Saturday, December 10, 2011

Final project

Final project: Oatmeal porridge.

Part I: The recipe.

Traditional porridge as defined in Wikipedia:

a thick mixture made with uncooked oatmeal (or medium oatmeal that has been dry toasted by stirring it around in a dry pot over heat until it turns a slightly darker shade and emits a sweet, nutty fragrance) and then adding butter or cream.

I have made this delicious dish because everyone knows the oatmeal, and how it helpful to stay our bodies healthy. People from different country use the oatmeal in huge numbers of recipes like cookie, rolled, cruel, porridge and so on. I like to eat this porridge every morning. In my country, Russia, the oatmeal is allegory of Hercules who was great strength man. It means that oatmeal gives power or strength. The original recipe is from England.

You will need:

Oat organic, organic milk, organic sugar, organic butter and any dry fruits and nuts (dry apricot, dry mango, raiser, cranberry, walnut, and so on).

Part II: The Shopping

This “Natural” store with organic stuffs is located on 72-56 Austin Street, Forest Hills.

It’s my favor store which I always buy healthy food. For my final project I went there and I took some pictures and bought the necessary ingredients for oatmeal porridge.

Here are the costs of all these stuff:
Organic oat $2.49
Organic milk $4.39
Organic sugar $4.99
Organic butter $3.49
Organic green tea $3.39
Some dry fruits and walnut I already had at home.

Part III: The Cooking

You have to wash the oat few times with water.

In saucepan pour little water and add washed oat and turn on the stone.

When water evaporated to add milk and constantly stir until it’s finally cook.

After 10-15 minutes the porridge would be ready, and add a small piece of butter.

Then, depends on your taste you can add some dry fruits and nuts.

Enjoy your oatmeal porridge.

My final note:

Before I was careful to choose some food, but now, after semester I became double careful when I start to buy food. I don’t want to waste money on food that makes me and my family unhealthy. I like to have this porridge for my breakfast. Fairly often I’m used to make porridge on water without any other ingredients to decrease calories in dish. People who want to lose weight can use it because oatmeal contains rich set of nutritious substances, vitamins, and minerals. I am not upholder to eat out side of home. I like to eat at home because it cheaper than in restaurants and I know from which food the dishes made. Also, preparation meal at home makes me satisfied and I enjoy eating homemaking dishes.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Blog 18

Final Class Reflection

From this course I learn more and I started to think deeply over some important things. Whole course we had learned about reality and how people become the reason of this reality. A lot of ads help the products to be sellable. People have been buying the all ads stuffs that increase to produce customer goods. At the end, people become suffer about their health because these customer goods are unhealthy and producing these stuffs can be a reason the increasing huge numbers of cancer, diabetic, obesity and so on people. However, we can little a bit help own self to avoid some diseases; we just have to choose the health lifestyle. Therefore when I reread all my blogs and I think some of them like “Truman and Me,” “Bottled Water,” and “Meatrix, and food additives” are best examples of my critical thinking. I’ve been continuing to think about truth and reality we live in. I was learned more about bottled water and food additives, and now I carefully learn the ingredients before I think to buy some stuff.

During this course we used writing online and I think it’s different than I had before. Writing online is better because it’s paperless and we can see and read the writing’s other students that allow us to make up proper imagine how to write essay and improve our writing ability. I liked to read other students blogs and I was glad that some students read my blog. Some of them left some comments that allow me to correct my mistakes and achieve some improvement in writing.

From this class I like the themes what we learned whole semester and I cognized more about our reality life and I will take these lessons to my future. I can completely say that I am leaving this class with a basic understanding of writing strategies, but I know I still have some problem with grammar and this up to me. The most memorable moment is thinking about reality. It’s touched my soul. We are living in the time where rhythm of life so fast that we sometime even doesn’t have time to think about some simple things. I will recommend taking this class because they can learn more about writing essay, and other skills like critical thinking.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Blog 17

Planned Obsolescence/Perceived Obsolescence

In “The Story of Stuff” Annie Leonard states us how the whole system of stuffs have arranged. “The stuffs move through a system from extraction to production, to distribution, to consumption, to disposal.” The author mentions Victor Lebow’s statement, which was retailing analyst, who said that to increase economy of country need to create a lot of consumer goods. For this thing needs two main strategies are “planned obsolescence” and “perceived obsolescence.”

“Planned obsolescence” is for creating stuffs that we can use them short time and throw away, is another word bad-quality things. These goods will fast become unusable, and people can buy others to substitute them. If many things will frequently destroyed, and people will spent a lot of money that allow increasing economy. For example, most of the cell phones are an imperfect quality. Every one or two years I have to change my cell phone because battery of it becomes obsolescent.
“Perceived obsolescence” is condition when things that we bought a couple years ago looks like so old generation, or so ugly not fashion. For instance, last year, a fashionable color was yellow, and people started to buy clothes of that particular color, but in this year are gray so, people shop clothes of this color.

I think the government of the country responsible for these marketing strategies because a government works, thinks, and cares of their nation or citizenships. People from a government must to control whole market, and don’t allow to production a bad-quality goods that have created for people. Of course, some people get benefits from these marketing strategies, like producers of these goods, and government exchequer that filled with taxes. Each year, of these strategies are run out of natural resources; increased numbers of production of goods, that raised air pollution; and people get so many and different diseases like asthma, diabetic, cancer, and so on. These reasons are after-effect of those marketing strategies. Who can say that these strategies for people, for our healthy generation? I don’t say that these strategies are right. Every year our generation becomes sicker than a year ago. The reason is the air pollution, and food that content a lot of chemical substances like fast-food, junk food and so on. I try do not eat these food, but nowadays, we face with difficulties to find healthy and proper food. I never had allergy before; but current days, my doctor found out by me the kind of allergy that resists any treatment. He couldn’t say a definite reason of this allergy, besides as the air pollution and nowadays’ food.

In short, “planned obsolescence” and “received obsolescence” advanced the economy of the country, that is an important thing for well-being country, but these both strategies make the people or generation to be sick and unhealthy that also a big problem for suffering.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Blog 16

Let Them Eat Fat

In “Let Them Eat Fat” Greg Critser, the author states that fast-food has been criticized by specialists who responsible for nutrition. Nevertheless, the fast-food restaurants continue their existence. Moreover, they appear more in poor communities, and offer to their costumers extra meal for free by “supersizing.” The author explains to us how the body gets a metabolism after eating fast-food every day. Also, how dangerous it is for teenagers because they get more than twice the calories that they need. I believe that Greg Critser is right that fast-food restaurants allow their customers to eat fat because they seduce them with “supersizing” meal, and increasing calories in the body destroys metabolism that make body to be dependent on fast-food.

Fast-food restaurants chains is business organization that wants only to earn a lot of money. They don’t care about their customers. Obviously, they started to propose “supersizing” even after numerous critical articles about fast-food. “Supersizing” is a seductive product especially for poor people because according the G. Critser “…the supersize is free.” Once, one homeless man told me that he knew what the result would be after eating fast-food, but that he doesn’t have a choice because he doesn’t have enough money. Also, he feels full when he eats a ‘supersize” meal. This show us that fast-food meal occupies at first, people with low income, so their company try to grow in poor communities.

Almost all people know that fast-food is not healthy food. We can see it from “Supersize me,” from articles, or from scholars studies. If we would eat fast-food every day we can get metabolic disease that destroy whole our body. I read about one research that took place in one of the New-York school. Nearby that school a fast-food restaurant was located for few years. Those students were investigated by medical specialists. After two years they compared how students’ healths were changed, and so numerous students were discovered with some different diseases compared to students from other schools. This example said us that fast-food companies also want to hit another layer of society, our children.

Some of additives that contain in fast-food may make people addicted to fast-food like drug or cigarette addiction. People who always eat fat, high-calorie and unhealthy food at soon can discover that them so difficult to refuse of these meals. The brains of those people require the fat food, or other case appears negative emotions when they eat food that dissatisfies them. For instance, one of my daughter’s friends loves to eat fast and junk food all the time. Every time she craves to eat them, and she can’t stop eating this food. I can say that she became addicted. This summer I sent my daughter at a camp with that her friend. I was surprised when I saw how many boxes with junk food were sent by her parents. I couldn’t keep my curiosity and I expressed my surprising by question. Whereat, her parents answered that she doesn’t eat any food besides fast and junk food.

In brief, fast-food companies don’t think and care about healthy their customers. Therefore, it’s up to us. We have to think what we do and what we eat. Fast food, like drug and cigarette addiction, and we have to fight with these “enemies” our health.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Blog 15

Part I

In “The new industrial migrants (part I)” from Fast Food Nation Eric Schlosser states that in the beginning 80 years 20 century a lot of people arrived to Colorado to get job at slaughterhouse from Mexico, Central America, and Southeast Asia. According the article, during one and half year was employed more than five thousand employments at the Greeley Beef plant, and some of them were fired every three months. Author said that an annual turnover rate was about 400 percent. Nowadays, despite of some adjustments regarding salary, insurances, benefits, and so on the situation with hire and fire remains same. Eric Schlosser mentioned Arden Walker’s explanation about having such turnover rate. The reason is because the employers don’t want to pay any benefits that workers can accept after six months such as medical insurance, sick days, or vacation after one year.

Part II
In “The new industrial migrants (part II) Eric Schlosser state that IBP was interested to hire immigrants for meatpacking works because immigrants agree to work for lower money then American citizens, and they don’t require some benefits. Therefore, the company sends their recruiters throughout the United States, and they try to recruit people among immigrants and homelessness.

I agree with these both articles and I also can always observe how employers hire immigrants especially undocumented because they agree to work even for less money that employers can save their money. Undocumented immigrants are usually people, who force to come to another country for earning money for their families who are living in difficult financial conditions. They are satisfied just with money, they don’t ask any benefits. I know most of them have been living in terrible conditions. They are used to sleeping a covered floor by mattress in the room where sleep more than enough people, that room they can use for preparing the meal, and for using a toilet. It’s really an insanitary condition. All of them work on hard job like construction, slaughterhouse, and so on, and get scanty money. Moreover, native people don’t want to get these low paying hard works, so many employers hire immigrants at those position. In addition, the employers don’t need spend money to buy them medical or life insurances. These clauses are convenient for them.

Sometimes, some of employers follow the “rule” that describe in the first article that also allows them to save money. I remember one my friend experienced same situation. She was hired in not small company and fired after three months. She didn’t have any bad commends during these months. So, she was surprised by that case. After few months she found out that her friend, which she had made her friend when she came to that company, also was fired from that company after three months her arriving. Then, they both learned that their demission connected with medical insurance that the company has to provide workers after three months. They both didn’t think about it because they both are young ladies and at first, they didn’t care it.

In short, I think the companies have to be honest and to warm people that they need workers only for three months.

Blog 14

Cyborg Life

In movie “Sleep Dealer” shows us how people force to work for helping and realizing their dream. All main characters are Memo, Liz, and Rudy work in different fields, but each of them has some goals. Memo wants to work in high-tech company to help his family which remained without provider, Liz works as writer and dreams to become well-being writer; Rudy wants to be good pilot, so he accomplished all orders that his command officer gives to him.

All of them are cyborg workers. I think this type of job should not be illegal because this job really dangerous. I can compare this job with soldiers or officers who participate on wars or military fighting. These workers have to have better benefits like officers in the US. In the movie “Sleep Dealer” main character Memo was looking job to earn money and then to help his family. I consider that this action is normal. Each person wants to get any job when his or her family assays some financial difficulties. I know even some school students in the US have frequently left the school because they force to get job to help, or support their family if they face some difficulty situations. Also, I can understand Rudy who just executed the order that was given by commander, and what he felt when he found out the man which was killed by him had not been a terrorist. He was so upset and couldn’t be calm down because he conscientious, honest and high-hearted man. Only such men like Rudy can admit fault and try to change something what he did. The perverse was that cyborg workers don’t have any benefits. If they died on the hard job such as we were shown in the movie, they were trough away. Their family has double suffering because they lost a member and a sponsor of family.

Another cyborg being is Liz who sold her memories in cyberspace. I think it is ethical because it was her job like journalists have sold articles, photos. However, an unethical was that that she becomes close friend and she even felt in love at Memo and nothing says him. Actually, what she did, it made happy Memo and his neighbors. Russian people usually say “Whatever you do, it will be for the best” at same situation. In fact, if Liz didn’t sell the memories to Rudy, Memo would never meet him and maybe Memo would never realize his father’s dream.
In conclusion, cyborg life that shows us from movie is not really easy. It more seems on exploitation person by person. So, it is never should be illegal.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Blog 13

I am really glad that I have been studying in this class. Since I started to study here I have gotten a lot of “meal” for thinking. I like this way because we are reasonable existences and we have the ability to think. Earlier, I thought that we are under control by someone. This is God and I didn’t before think about it deeply. However, a few years ago I saw the Peter Joseph’s movie “Zeitgeist.” This movie pushed me to think about real and unreal world. In that movie, the author criticized the version of the act of terrorism World Trade Center. Also, I was wondered about the system of credit; all our money is in the hands of a few people, and how they created the financial crisis. After that movie I found out that we have been living not just under God’s control, but also under other people’s control like in “The Allegory of the Cave,” “The Truman Show,” “Brave New World” and “Matrix.” Part of the people is interesting to earn a lot of money or to reach a high position, and they don’t care about tragic outcomes. Many wars had been placed because of money. Some of people merely get a great amount of money like show maker from “The Truman Show,” or all businessmen who have created and sold junk food, when others suffer and die like the prisoner of the cave who suffered when he reached the real world, or Neo had outdid all obstacles, John, from “Brave New World” was died because he couldn’t live in illusion world, where had been lived impassible people and people who have bought junk food then they feel sore about diseases. The cartoon “Meatrix” clearly explains us what sort of meat we are eaten every day. The maker of “Meatrix” took the base of the movie “Matrix” because there he vividly shows us two different worlds like in the “Matrix,” but there he relate where the meat food from. All these movie give us to find out that we have two worlds. These are real and illusion worlds. In addition, all people should decide by themselves what to do and what to prefer. Aldous Huxley’s characters of the “Brave New World,” Bernard and Lenina, chose the real world despite it was a terrible place where they can to love, and assay all senses. Everything is up to us.

I think all Food Unit items I did satisfyingly. I understood all concepts of this unit and I took some things for reflection such us “The Meatrix” and even I changed my mind regarding bottled water and I started to drink tap water. However, I am still resent about all junk food. Why the Food and Drug Administration allowed them to be sold? I know, in some countries certain organization accepted an appropriate arrangement like to increase the price for food has contained a fat. Consequently, the people won’t try to buy that expensive food. Altogether, I learn enough about food.
For my improvement I need to learn more grammar and to practice to write essay for one hour. About CAT W #3, I didn’t finish again; obviously I couldn’t organize my writing time. I will try my best in next time.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Blog 12

In “Happy Meal” Michael Pollan gives us some suggestions for eating better and healthier. I completely agree with all of the recommendations because the health is most important thing for people. We have to learn to find a proper way to stay always healthy. In addition, we have to teach our children to obtain right behavior for their healthy style of life.

I can totally do-able some ideas that Pollan advice such as “avoid food products containing ingredients that are unfamiliar”, “incapable of rotting”, “avoid food products that make health claims”, “eat mostly plants…”, and “cook…” All of these are what I have to do every time. I don’t buy the products that I don’t know including the food that consist unknown ingredients. These are preservative food, the juices that contain additives and flavorings, food with color additives and food like Twinkies. All of these products make me to be sick, fat, and suffering. So, why I have to pay money for harmful food? Well-known philosopher, Omar Khayyam wrote “Better be hungry than eat whatever food…” Nowadays, we have a lot of chemical products so; we must carefully when we choose food. According the example that gives Pollan about margarine, he is right because in these later days, the margarine contain the palm oil that makes it to be harmful. However, if the margarine without the palm oil, how did a few years ago, it’s helpful for our body. Most of the useful products are plants; therefore, we can substitute all harmful food on plants that of course can’t hurt our health. In addition, better Pollan’s suggest is cooking because when we cook ourselves we exactly know that we don’t add any harmful things like additives, or any chemical things. Therefore, I prefer to eat only home prepared meal.

I may be able to follow another idea like “pay more, and eat less.” If I haven’t bought any harmful food, why I can’t buy the organic food on saved money? For me, I always follow Omar Khayyam’s suggest; I don’t assay any difficulties to be hungry, so, I will eat less, but expensive food.

Last, I can’t follow Pollan’s idea like “don’t eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food.” Of course, our great-grandparents used to eat natural food because at that time, they didn’t have additives, flavorings, preservatives, and any chemical things. However, nowadays, almost all of this food disappeared. For example, our ancestors liked to eat a honey. A honey is helpful and healthful product. Our ancestors used it to treat many diseases like gastritis, headache, sclerosis, and so on. But, these days, honey doesn’t have those qualities that were before. The reason is scientific and technological progress. Unfortunately, it regards any other food, too.

In conclusion, I want say that everybody must to think about our and our generation health, and decide what we have to consider happy meals.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Blog 11

In “The Story of Bottled Water” states that bottle water was created by businessmen who want to earn money. In the reality, the bottle water is filled from tap water. 10-15 percent of the price of the money goes to cover commercial cost. These commercials seduce us to buy tap water inside the bottle. I think the author of this story is right because some people want to earn money to sell the bottles water and some of the people want to believe in the all advertisements.

The people who have created that business, they don’t care about people who would buy the bottle water. They pay money for advertisements to seduce as many as possible people to buy them that increase consumer demand of bottle water. The ads make a lot of myths such as “bottled water tastes better than tap water”, “tap water is still susceptible to germs….”, or “bottled water is convenient” that make people to believe in them. I wasn’t surprise by this reality of water because when I taste the bottle water I can define the tasted of water. Sometime when I drink the bottle water I can feel a taste of the plastic that keeps the water. So, it can be more dangerous than tap water.

I think this reality can be different if people will take proper decision about waste money for bottled water. I believe if TV will show us many things of reality of water, it helps people to open the eyes and don’t believe in all these myths. For instance, I have always preferred to drink the bottled water instead tap water, but since today I will stop to drink bottle water.

In short, the choice of the bottle water is up to us. Just only we own should decide what we have to choose the bottle water or tap water. If many people will decide to choose tap water, the manufactured costumer demand of bottle water will decrease.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Blog 10

In “Imitation of Film: Here’s Smoking at you, Kid” Nicholas Balakar states that many ten-fourteen-year-children begin smoking after seeing the movies to imitate famous actors. Also, Dr. James D. Sargent’s study shows that children have double risk of begin smoking after seeing R-rated movies. However, Dr. James said truth that the study regarded only young adolescents because other who is oldest might be to start smoking before they watching the investigated movies. I think Nicholas Balakar is right that most of the children start smoking because they want to imitate the famous people from R-rated movies; they believe that they have to take example from those protagonists, and recently cigarettes TV advertisements affected on teens smoking.

Younger teenagers spend a lot of time front the television and in the cinema. Especially they don’t want miss any celebrated or well-known movies. At that time, the teens want to imitate their favorite actors, especially simple things such as smoking. I know even in cartoons we can observe the episodes of the smoking; for example, in “Texas Tom”, in well-known cartoon “Tom and Jerry” Tom trippingly began to smoke when he seduced a beautiful kitty. Thus, any teen that spends a lot of time to view movies or cartoons where his/her favorite actor or characters smokes can exposure to become smokers.

For some teens is important to take example from their favorite protagonists because at that time, in their minds occur fast changes that confused them of everything. They have some psychological obstacles such as conversation with peers and parents and they want to do everything themselves, but they don’t know how do it. Therefore, they always try to find someone who can be their favorites to take example by them. For instance, recently I was waiting the bus at the bus station and saw one teen who smoked near to me. We made small talk with each other. When I asked him why he started smoking, he said that his favorite actor, whom I unfortunately forget, smokes unusual not like always. He started to display me what he had learned. The teen said that he spent a lot of time and many cigarettes to learn that type of smoking, and he wants to be like his actor. As a result, teens find out someone to imitate him or her.

Next, a few years ago, we could observe ads of cigarettes on TV. Sometime, the cigarettes were advertised by famous people. The children spent a lot of time front of the TV how I said above; so, they could see and take up smoking because of curiosity, or to look like adults. I remember the story how my close friend started to smoke. She started smoking at 14 just for curiosity. She said that at that time the smoking was so cool. So, her peers were delighted by her because she looked a modern. In addition, she bought and tried all of the commercial cigarettes that showed on TV. Therefore, the first reason for smoking was caused by advertisements. At that time, many teens had the greatest exposure to smoking because of commercials.

In short, the famous movies influenced to take up children smoking because of they want to imitate the well-know actors. Also, smoking increased by reason of commercials that children can see everywhere. Last few years cigarettes were prohibited to show on TV. It caused to reduce number of teen’s smoking. I think if our society will seriously take care about children antismoking we can make away of this problem.

Blog 9

Part I
In “Meatrix” filmmaker shows us the world where meat products come from. Leo is the young pig who lived in fantasy farm and was wondered to recognize about real world which was recalled by Moopheus, the cow who wants to save family farm. Moopheus offered Leo to take one of the pills to learn about real world, or to take other one to stay in that fantasy world. When Leo found out all of them he wants to destroy Meatrix because animals become sick in there. So, workers-agents added to their feed antibiotics for animals.
In the “Meatrix II” Moopheus continue to explain Leo about real world and what they did past 2 years, they saved over 10 million animals from Meatrix, and now people who want to be healthier can used them every day. However cow said that Leo is one who can save more animals. When they came back in fantasy world, Leo was fascinated by it, but Moorpheus immediately showed him what the real is. The cows and chickens located in unpleasant place with awful condition. Agents of Meatrix are pumping the animals an artificial growth hormone that was banned by Europe and Canada. Calves are being feed with milk and cow’s blood. Leo fought with agents, but agents got Moopheus and took away him. Leo and Chickity salvaged him and stopped the dairy factories, and ended with Meatrix.
In “Meatrix II ½” the agent from Meatrix informed Moopheus about factory that feed all fast food nations. Meatrix doesn’t care about their workers who work in dangerous working condition when they manure the meat because their workers are expendable.

Part II
Food Additives

I agree that food additives can cause many dangerous diseases that we can meet in the United States because “the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) currently has approved more than 3,000 food additives for use in the United States,” and people are used a lot of “Indirect Food Additives" such as plastic, cardboard and paper dishes, containers and cups for packaging food.
Nowadays, FDA allowed using many additives that added in great number in different food. These are preservative food, flavoring that change the food taste, and coloring. People in the United States are busy, so they often use the preservatives food for their convenience. However, all preservative food contain some additives “…to prevent bacterial or fungal growth.” Or flavoring that gives our food some taste that agitates our appetite. We can get it everywhere such as processed food, cookies, cakes, juice, gum, candies, and so on. Also, coloring that gives the food pleasant looks that also can grow up our appetite. I understand the people who see and smell delicious food they so hard to passed them. I’ve so often heard when people said “It looks so nice. I will buy it.” But, all of these additives are chemical, so they threaten our health.

According the FDA, other additives that threaten our health is indirect food additives. I see people use a lot of plastic, paper, and cardboard cups and containers to carrier their lunch, snack, and hot tea, or coffee every day. These staffs also were created from chemical formulation that harms our health because when plastic or cardboard contacts with hot food there pass chemical reaction that then we’ve been eating not useful meal but chemical food. This chemical food becomes cause of many different diseases like diabetes, cancer, allergy, and so on.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Blog 8

Does knowledge make you happier?

The knowledge is not always making us happy because the result of educational process might be different. Sometime we can feel happy when we learn something positive. However, we can be miserable if the knowledge doesn’t satisfy us. According to Cornell and Malcolmson’s article Neo who is protagonist from “Matrix” and prisoner from “Allegory of the Cave” experienced positive and negative things to get some knowledge. They were happy to know truth about real world, and same time that knowledge was painful for both of them. I thing the knowledge sometime makes us fortunate; but sometime it brings us a lot of problems that make us feel pain that need to change all following life; in addition, the learning makes us more knowledgeable that allow us to make less mistakes.

Some of the people glad to hear the truth or learn something unusual that happened with Neo and the prisoner from “Allegory of the Cave.” There both figured out the truth about real world. Of course, it made them happy but they needed to overcome some obstacles like to reach outside of underground in “Allegory of the Cave”, and to come in real world in “Matrix.” However, despite of their difficulties they were so happy to see real sun, real nature, and real life. Likewise, prisoner and Neo I like to know truth, and I can say that it makes me happy. For instance, when my friend said me about some my improper behaviors, inside of me I fell unpleasantness, but I always try to overcome it like obstacles that overdid prisoner and Neo. In addition, I glad change them because I don’t want to hurt unfamiliar people with that. Then I feel happy that all surrounded people glad to meet and know me. Thus, the result of the truth always becomes advantageous, even though we must overpass some difficulties.

Some cognition brings us some obstacles and pains such I wrote before, but these difficulties surmountable. The prisoner from “Allegory of the Cave” assayed the pain when he saw the sun. Rays of the bright sun blind prisoner’s eyes and hurt them. Neo from “Matrix” was shocked when he recognized about real life, and how was difficult to survive into. I remember the story that I heard few years ago. One married a couple, who had lived for 2 or 3 years together at that time, decided to make up the evening of the truth, and they agreed to tell only truth what had happened before they married. They both were talkative, and narrated each other many interesting stories such as who were their boyfriends or girlfriends, what they did, and so on. After that evening they both couldn’t fall asleep, they were thinking all night. At the next day they became different regarding each other, as if they substituted. Past one month, they divorced because they couldn’t absolve their love adventures each other. Both suffered and over passed moral difficulties and started new life; nowadays, they have their happy families. This story point out the pain that happen after heard truth, how the truth changes the following life and after pain always become a wonderful life.

Nevertheless all difficulties and pains the end of the educational process permit us to be more knowledgeable. When we know the truth we are stronger. We can make our decision without mistakes, or we have some dreams such as the prisoner wanted to help their co-prisoners and to open eyes them, or Neo who should save the planet of Earth and to give all people a freedom. The cognition helps us to help other and avoid some mistakes. Next story I heard from my one of the classmates. He came from Mexico. He overdid a lot of obstacles when he was walking across a desert where was dangerous with many of coyotes and snakes to cross Mexican and USA border illegally. However, before he went to cross border, he had recognized who could help him to cross it and how all process occurs. This knowledge helped them to save his life from wild animals, avoid a prison and deportation. This example shows us that cognition can avoid making mistakes and other difficulties.

In short, the truth not always makes us happy or happier. Sometimes, we have to overcome some obstacles, and then we can enjoy our happiness. The protagonists from “Allegory in the Cave” and “Matrix” also were glad to see sunshine and real world. However, it takes a lot of energies to persuade their co-prisoners or to save real world. Despite of all difficulties I think a bitter truth better than a sweet lie.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Blog 7

The Dangers of Reality TV

In “The dangers of Reality TV” Timothy Sexton states that television brings to people some dangers. He tells television strengthen and sent some terrible messages that can worse influence to people. Those messages such us the importance of the competitions, image more important than ability, and education is not key to get a lot of money, are forced people to think same. I know Timothy Sexton is right that television is the reason for some improper thinking because many people have started to believe that education is not important to make money, enough to take some competition to become rich, and an image is most important thing for success.

Sometime we can meet or see success person who achieved a high position in our society, but he or she didn’t like to study, or didn’t get any Degree. For example, Bill Gates, he was excluded from Harvard University and he didn’t be graduated, but it’s didn’t thwarted him to became one of the rich person in the world. Another person, who was most famous all over the world and without Diploma of Degree was Steve Jobs, he was founder of the Apple Corporation. These just only two examples, but our history has many such as these famous people. Thus, people can see and hear about such people and believe that they don’t need to take long time to study for getting lot money.

Another message that destroyed people’s thinking is the participating in competition make people rich. According to T. Sexton’s example when he said that woman who found a multimillionaire in reality-show, and that man made her his wife. It messages people to try participating in the same reality-shows, and they will be rich, too. However, not all of the participants can be winner. For instance, a lot of young women try to be a model. Every time many of them try to exhaust themselves with different diets to be a certain size of the body. But just only few of them become models. Even though, it doesn’t break their thinking, and they continue to do that.
However, most of the cases, we must have well image to be rich and successful. The image plays an important role for our success, despite of some personal talents. For example, when people vote for a president, they don’t know well him, but them enough to know his image or a reputation in the society. Other example, when you want to get some job, first of all needs to make well expression on an employer. The employer will make first decision of employee of looks, style of wearing, and ethic of behaviors. After that, the employer can ask questions about profession. I remember one man told the story about his first interview to get job in New York. He is a professional engineer. He came in the company and had been dressed in jeans and T-shirt. The employer just asks him few common questions, and didn’t even interest about his qualification. However, he got a job in other big company, and now he got high position in there. He told us that story and wanted to say that first impression is so important for successful ending work. The author of the article also refers on an example of the American Idol. He says that a better voice is not so important than image.

In conclusion, these messages indeed can burn into people’s mind and can form improper thinking. They may consider that the studying is not significant thing, and do not need to spend a lot of time to study; competition and image make people rich and successful. Therefore, people have to ask themselves for what the filmmakers created these reality-shows. At first, the filmmakers interest to make more money for themselves. They don’t care of people’s thinking; they just want to drag in many people in those reality-shows.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Blog 6

Truman and Me

Cristoff is an interpretation of our reality life. At the end of the movie Cristoff persuade Truman that real world has not more truth than the world was created by him. In both sides also have lie and hypocrisy. Consequently, the reality that displayed in the movie is reflection our or my real life. Difference between Truman’s and my lives is size. Truman’s life is show that observed people from over the world; my life also like show, and I can call it the Life, and I think unlike Truman my Life is observed just some people. Truman and I have many common things; we both have followed rules that were created by Cristoff for Truman and by Life for me, and we both have inflicted fair and it affected on our lives.

The Truman’s world is artificial world where everything under control. However, I am not completely sure that my life real or not because I can see cameras everywhere. Every time when I used to walking through the city I notice the cameras on the streets, on the wall of the houses, in the offices, in the stores and so on. Of course, I know that these cameras for our safety and commonweal. But sometimes I seem that it’s just for explanation for us. Nobody knows how the special department uses the space satellites, maybe they see after some people. Now I am working in the store. The whole store fills with cameras. I understand that cameras in the store need for security and to avoid shoplifting. But I am under control, too, and I stay half of my day under cameras. It’s so tediously. I am cashier, if no costumers in the store I cannot even sit because I have to stand. I am not able to break the rules because I know the owner of the store can see on the screen from everywhere even from his home. Thus, I am also like Truman; almost always stay under control, but unlike me Truman didn’t know about cameras.

Likewise Truman I have “a screenplay” with rules which was created by the Life, and I have to follow them. In the whole, our screenplays are not differing. At the beginning of my life I went to kinder garden then schools, college. Afterward, I found good job and got married. Next, follow “the screenplay” is the nurture the next generation. I think, if “the Truman show” have been continued he became a parent, too. The place Seahaven also like my place where I live only the name different is New York. There like Truman I have home where I live with my husband and daughter. Every day at morning when I left home I usually see my neighbors who also to hurry to work and with whom we always great each other. After work I come back home and do some routine house work. Weekend and free time I spend with my family and friends. The friends also as well in Truman’s show not all the real friends. Some of them so well pretended good friends that frequently occur. So, Truman and I have many common in our lives.

In the movie we can clearly see the fear which was imposed by Cristoff with manipulation and how it affected on the Truman. When Truman was child he always said that he wanted go away from Seahaven. However Cristoff wanted to hold Truman in the show, so he invented a trick, where Truman’s father sank in the sea that Truman saw it. Since at that moment, Truman became to fear the sea. Same thing happened with me. I remember, when I was child I lived close to lake. All children liked to run at the lake, and they swum in there. But our parents didn’t allow us to go there without adults. However, sometimes we disobeyed and run there. When our parents learned about it, they told us a story that in that lake was living a crocodile. One day, my brother and I saw it in the lake, and I stopped to run there forever. Passed years, we moved from that place; I learn wherefrom appears that crocodile, but I long time scare to sink into water everywhere. This example tells us that the fear influences in my life.

I was born and had lived in ex-Soviet Union. In there we had some media such as television, radio, and newspapers. However, all of them were under control, like Truman. We saw, heart or read just only that news that wanted someone of the government. In all of these fields had been a censor who permit or not allow printing out some books or articles on the newspapers. We didn’t know a definite truth that had been occurring in the outside of the country. That country remembered me the cave with prisoners because there was everything under control. I can say that we live like in Truman’s place.

Even throw, Truman and I have been living almost in same world, but I would not like to live in Cristoff ‘s world because I don’t like to being controlled by anyone, and in my life more than often can see and meet reality friends unlike Truman.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Blog 5

How much does our reality depend on the media and the purpose behine it to costume?

Nowadays, our reality strongly depends of the media. We can learn any information from it, and it helps us to be more informed. Media offers to us huge number of advertisements for our convenience. Those also play a big role in our lives. However, sometimes some of them can distract people from important deals. In addition, some news that we figure out from the media might be a wrong. Those wrong can seriously influent on some people’s minds because some of them believed in primary rumors. Despite of negative things I believe that our reality depends of the media; moreover, the media importantly necessary to our society because we have to learn what happen in the world every day, hour, and minute; sometime due to media, we can help and save some bodies’ lives, and we cannot dark people such as prisoners in “The Allegory of the Cave” without news.

Our society is used to getting information from media. Every day we usually wake up and immediately turn on our television or computer, or check newspapers to learn some news. From these sources we can get the news over the world. We cannot live without news, we have to know what occur in the world because events have happened at somewhere can affect in our life, too. For instance, the event that happened in Gulf of Mexico, when the resulting of the explosion was spilled oil into the Gulf in acted to many people. The cost of oil instantly became high all over the world. Consequently, it reasoned on the cost of the gas which uses almost every family for cars. Another example, the crisis in Greek influences on exchange of the Europe money. I know some my friends have saving account in euro, so they have been worrying to lose them. Or one more example, one my friend was going to trip in Egypt at that time when there flame up civil disorders. She learned and saw about that event on time; therefore she could cancel her trip. Thus, we should know and be interested in news. Might be we can change some decision in time.

Sometime in time received information can save some lives. The conductor of this information can be the media. The media is able to fast present such information. Once, I remember on the television I saw one family who was so upset and asked people for help. They needed a huge amount of money for their child. The child was deadly sick and she needed the operation that does in the Europe. Unfortunately, they didn’t have such amount of money. After one day, the help came from people over the world; everybody was touched that story and everybody wanted to help the child. Everybody sent the money how many they could, someone $1, another $2, and so on. Next day the money was more than enough. Past few months I again saw those parents on television, they were happy because their child is alive. They thanked all people who helped to save their child. The rest of money they handed to other children who need help. It’s just only one example how the media quickly help to save human beings. Another example, when in Dominican Republic survived a terrible and frightful earthquake last year. People all over the world were sorry Dominican’s people and everybody tried to help them how they could. Therefore, I consider that media is an important thing in our lives, and our reality lives mostly depends of it.

Sometimes I seem that people who never learn or want to know some news live like prisoners in cave. I remember the time when I was child and lived in Soviet Union. My grandfather always tried to reach “Voice of the America” on the radio. Very rarely he reached it and was quietly hearing it. He so silently said to my father that not all news transmitted on TV, radio and wrote in newspapers. Most of the information could reflect at that country, and later he predicted the breaking a big country on base of getting information from “Voice of the America.” However, most of the people didn’t interest any news; they just live like people from cave. Therefore, people who possess important information are strong and the media helps them, unlike them who live in “the cave” like prisoners.

In short, nowadays, the media is an important thing for everybody. With media we can fast find appropriate decision in time, to help people if somewhere needed it, and cave’s people are weak and can be more vulnerable. So, our lives a lot depend of the media.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Blog 4

Any good writer must learn how to make her or his composition interesting. When readers read good compositions, they are fuelling with positive emotion. For that they need know or learn about writing skills. Writing skills include a few things, such as structure of the essay, grammar skill, and some experiences and knowledge.

In the class ENG 099 during first month we learned how’ve prepared to write a good respond to any article. First, I have to carefully read an article few times. For better understanding I need make an annotation, to find some significant ideas and supporting evidences that supported these ideas. The annotation would help me to write good summary. The summary I have to rephrase in my own words. After summary I obligate add thesis statement consist specific topic, claim, and few reasons. Then, follow the bodies of paragraphs. Each paragraph tells us about one reason. In that paragraph we should include a topic sentence, developing the topic sentence and example of my or anybody experiences, or some story from books and movies. Second and third paragraph I will explain about others reasons. In conclusion I have to write what I learn or what I take from that event.

I think I feel confident about my understanding the all these staffs about writing skills because I definitely know how organize and construct the writing essay.

Moreover, I would like to learn more grammar because grammar is another an important thing in writing skills. In addition, I still weak at this field.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Blog 3

In Plato’s “The Allegory of the Cave” Socrates tells a story to his student Gloucun to explain him and us that cognition require a lot of effort to learn and understand many things. In cave where did not come sun’s light was resided enchained people. They have been there since their childhood. Behind them, so far of them was flaming a fire. Between them and the fire is wall where some people passing and carrying different things. Those people were moving, speaking that those words spread upon cave in misrepresented type. Prisoners’ legs and necks chained so that they couldn’t move or turn their heads. They could see only the front of them, where they could see shadows of the figures that were passing on beside them. They didn’t know about other world, Sun’s light, and freedom. They believed that that echo and shadows on the wall were reality.Such events usually occur in our life. Sometime we believe in events which somebody tries to intrude his or her views. Despite these views are wrong. Also in our lives, we frequently believe in usual things, and don’t want to believe uncommon events because we get used to them.
Once one of prisoners liberated of chain and he found out exit of that underground when he overcome all difficulties. His eyes dazzled by daylight and it caused him a lot of sufferings and pain. Then, gradually he adapted and wondered to see real world, the stars, and the sun. He was so happy to see real world. He wanted to help his friends and decided to go back in cave.
However, when he reached the cave, he couldn’t see at dark. Prisoners said that he became madman after he had left the cave. Also, he became blind and lost his mind. When he tried to persuade them to liberate of chain and go to up, they didn’t believe him and finally they killed him.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Blog 2

I Know the Truth, So Don’t Bother Me with Facts

In article “I know the truth, so don’t bother me with facts” Jeffrey Kluger explains how primal rumors effect on people’s beliefs. The author mentioned about two professors’ study which determines how people strongly believe in their beliefs. In addition, they don’t want to change their primary opinion even if they have learned a lot of facts. Some of them don’t want change the mind because of their personalities, and them so hard to admit that they were wrong. At the end, Jeffrey Kluger said that no matter what the all studies show us, everything up to us. Only we have to make our decisions. Nevertheless, we can always be ready to admit that that idea is not real. I know Jeffrey Kluger is right when he states “I know the truth, so don’t bother me with facts” because primal rumors strongly effect on people’s beliefs and it’s more important than others opinion, many of people can’t change their mind because of their ego, some beliefs obtrude to people from psychological pressure.

I’ve heard many times that primal rumor play an important role in human belief. Usually, people believe in primal rumor more even it would be wrong than the others. For instance, recently story that occurred with Dominique Strauss-Kahn who was accused in the attempt to rape chambermaid. This story was got around all over the world. Almost anybody believed what was said on the television, in the newspapers, radio, and internet. People disgusted to him. At that time, he lost the power and his high position because people didn’t believe him more. They believed the primal humor. Even, when he was justified these people continued to consider him a dastard. It story show us that people who have believed in primal humor, don’t want to believe any other facts.

Most people don’t want change their mind because they are afraid to admit mistakes. The reason is ego. I seem that people who have unstable self-rating about themselves more often don’t admit their mistakes. So, it requires the confirmation from other side. For instance, many years ago my friend’s mom separated her daughter with her love man, who wanted to marry at her. At that time, her daughter was young and she didn’t resist mom’s decision. Passed 2o years, she was got married a few times, but she has never been happy with her domesticity. I know, her mom admit her mistake inside herself, but she doesn’t want say about it her daughter because she afraid to look mistaken and become non-authoritative person front the daughter. Also, sometime I can observe that people who work in government never admit their mistakes. I think them afraid that their mistakes go into history, and they don’t want to disserve historical belief about their impeccability. This is also because of ego.

Sometime, some beliefs were obtruded to people by someone or something. Something is physiological pressure. I remember the time when I grew up in the ex-Soviet Union. That time that government conducted lectures and implanted to people about atheism. Atheism is belief that there no God. Many people, who were oldest than me, learned that study in colleges and Universities. That theory is so sink into their mind that some people still atheists or don’t believe in God. Opposite, other people, who were born in Russian monarchy, had kept in their minds their belief in God. Nevertheless difficult situation regarding faithful people at that time, they had left with belief in God. That leadership of country took strong rules about these people. They were persecuted, defamed and also killed. However, they stayed faithful in their belief. It also confirm that people won’t change their points despite of any difficult position and situation.

In conclusion, I agree that primal rumor is thing that create main point of view. Most of the people cannot admit their mistakes because of ego. And once people believe in something, they never make change their beliefs. I learn from this article that people should not look like people from cave. We differ from those people, that we free and we can do everything what we want, we have more opportunities do not be like them.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Blog 1

The article “Hype” by Kalle Lasn said us about huge number of advertisements which accepted everywhere. People can see them anywhere even if they want to keep their eyes to rest. Ad is the most reasoned mover for marketing. In addition, nobody can avoid any ad because it is so widespread.Thus, advertisements are prevalent and people force to see them unwittingly. Kall Lasn is right when she states that huge number of advertmisements influence to people especially most of ads have been affecting to children's minds, ad is necesserary thing for market, and how free shows introduce new products to market.

Most of ads have been influencing to children minds. Once, the child has seen one interesting ad he usually tries to ask parents to buy it. For instance, one of my neighbor’s son likes to watch TV where he can see many new ads during some interesting movies, cartoons, or shows. When he’s seen them, he always wants to get them because these advertisements occupy at child’s mind.

Nowadays, advertisement is the most an important thing for the market. The market increases their sale with advertisements. We see prevalent ads everywhere that help us to find them in market. Usually, when my friend saw or heard interesting ad or commercial, she starts to buy it to herself, and also she gives advice to me or other friends to try it on, or to taste it. Thus, commercial which have been heard by friend can advance the product and high level sale.

Also, some companies arrange free shows for offering commercial products for buyers. I remember few years ago, one well-know company created new therapeutic bed that helps people to treat many diseases. However, this bed was so expensive. People would not able to spend money if they didn’t have proved information about it. The bed company offered to people to use them for free in their special places for few months. After few months many people believed in the miracle of these beds and they started to buy them. This story also said us that commercial is helpful thing for manufacturers and for buyers.

In short, advertisement or commercial plays a big role in our lives. These things will able to increase purchases and to push forward just creating products.