Sunday, September 25, 2011

Blog 3

In Plato’s “The Allegory of the Cave” Socrates tells a story to his student Gloucun to explain him and us that cognition require a lot of effort to learn and understand many things. In cave where did not come sun’s light was resided enchained people. They have been there since their childhood. Behind them, so far of them was flaming a fire. Between them and the fire is wall where some people passing and carrying different things. Those people were moving, speaking that those words spread upon cave in misrepresented type. Prisoners’ legs and necks chained so that they couldn’t move or turn their heads. They could see only the front of them, where they could see shadows of the figures that were passing on beside them. They didn’t know about other world, Sun’s light, and freedom. They believed that that echo and shadows on the wall were reality.Such events usually occur in our life. Sometime we believe in events which somebody tries to intrude his or her views. Despite these views are wrong. Also in our lives, we frequently believe in usual things, and don’t want to believe uncommon events because we get used to them.
Once one of prisoners liberated of chain and he found out exit of that underground when he overcome all difficulties. His eyes dazzled by daylight and it caused him a lot of sufferings and pain. Then, gradually he adapted and wondered to see real world, the stars, and the sun. He was so happy to see real world. He wanted to help his friends and decided to go back in cave.
However, when he reached the cave, he couldn’t see at dark. Prisoners said that he became madman after he had left the cave. Also, he became blind and lost his mind. When he tried to persuade them to liberate of chain and go to up, they didn’t believe him and finally they killed him.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 1. The main idea of the passage was clearly stated.
    2. All the important supporting ideas were stated and fully correct.
    3. There were few unimportant ideas included.
    4. The summary was written in your own words.
    5. There are few grammatical errors.
    6. Yes the summary maintained the same organization of the original passage.
    7. No personal opinions were included in the summary.
    Hi Simeon......the summary you have written is very cleat and concise. I was able to understand everything you have written. Your ability to reiterate the original passage is commendable. I enjoyed reading your summary. Job well done!

  3. 1. Yes the main idea of the passage is clear and state correctly.
    2. Yes the important supporting ideas are stated correctly and fully.
    3. Some what the unimportant ideas are included.
    4. Yeah, it's written in their own words.
    5. There are few grammatical errors.
    6. Yes, he/she retold the whole story in their own words and everything was said very clearly.
    7. There is not personal opinion included in the summary.

    Hey my name is Kat, and I'm from ENG 099 and I'm here to read and Grade your summary In Plato’s “The Allegory of the Cave”. Your summary is really good, You where able to retell the story in your own words. Everything is in the same order that the story is originally, and that's really great, There are a few grammatical errors not to many, so don't worry. Overall I think your summary is really good, but you know what they always say, There's always room for improvement. (: good luck.

  4. Mmm--while your two other readers are right in their overall impression, you did invent some parts: for example, the prisoner does not get killed. (!)
