Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Blog 5

How much does our reality depend on the media and the purpose behine it to costume?

Nowadays, our reality strongly depends of the media. We can learn any information from it, and it helps us to be more informed. Media offers to us huge number of advertisements for our convenience. Those also play a big role in our lives. However, sometimes some of them can distract people from important deals. In addition, some news that we figure out from the media might be a wrong. Those wrong can seriously influent on some people’s minds because some of them believed in primary rumors. Despite of negative things I believe that our reality depends of the media; moreover, the media importantly necessary to our society because we have to learn what happen in the world every day, hour, and minute; sometime due to media, we can help and save some bodies’ lives, and we cannot dark people such as prisoners in “The Allegory of the Cave” without news.

Our society is used to getting information from media. Every day we usually wake up and immediately turn on our television or computer, or check newspapers to learn some news. From these sources we can get the news over the world. We cannot live without news, we have to know what occur in the world because events have happened at somewhere can affect in our life, too. For instance, the event that happened in Gulf of Mexico, when the resulting of the explosion was spilled oil into the Gulf in acted to many people. The cost of oil instantly became high all over the world. Consequently, it reasoned on the cost of the gas which uses almost every family for cars. Another example, the crisis in Greek influences on exchange of the Europe money. I know some my friends have saving account in euro, so they have been worrying to lose them. Or one more example, one my friend was going to trip in Egypt at that time when there flame up civil disorders. She learned and saw about that event on time; therefore she could cancel her trip. Thus, we should know and be interested in news. Might be we can change some decision in time.

Sometime in time received information can save some lives. The conductor of this information can be the media. The media is able to fast present such information. Once, I remember on the television I saw one family who was so upset and asked people for help. They needed a huge amount of money for their child. The child was deadly sick and she needed the operation that does in the Europe. Unfortunately, they didn’t have such amount of money. After one day, the help came from people over the world; everybody was touched that story and everybody wanted to help the child. Everybody sent the money how many they could, someone $1, another $2, and so on. Next day the money was more than enough. Past few months I again saw those parents on television, they were happy because their child is alive. They thanked all people who helped to save their child. The rest of money they handed to other children who need help. It’s just only one example how the media quickly help to save human beings. Another example, when in Dominican Republic survived a terrible and frightful earthquake last year. People all over the world were sorry Dominican’s people and everybody tried to help them how they could. Therefore, I consider that media is an important thing in our lives, and our reality lives mostly depends of it.

Sometimes I seem that people who never learn or want to know some news live like prisoners in cave. I remember the time when I was child and lived in Soviet Union. My grandfather always tried to reach “Voice of the America” on the radio. Very rarely he reached it and was quietly hearing it. He so silently said to my father that not all news transmitted on TV, radio and wrote in newspapers. Most of the information could reflect at that country, and later he predicted the breaking a big country on base of getting information from “Voice of the America.” However, most of the people didn’t interest any news; they just live like people from cave. Therefore, people who possess important information are strong and the media helps them, unlike them who live in “the cave” like prisoners.

In short, nowadays, the media is an important thing for everybody. With media we can fast find appropriate decision in time, to help people if somewhere needed it, and cave’s people are weak and can be more vulnerable. So, our lives a lot depend of the media.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent connection among texts. Would you say the media in the U.S. is more accurate than the media in the Soviet Union, or are they into propaganda also?
